Our chiropractic care utilizes the Pierce/Stillwagon Technique, a specific adjusting system for correcting spinal misalignment. Instead of a general manipulation we focus on the area of the structural problem, not simply where the symptoms are. Lower back pain, for example, can often be relieved through a neck adjustment. We can usually have you in and out within an hour.
Upon arrival we have you fill out a brief, new patient form. In the private consultation with Dr. Acri, he goes over your medical history and asks about your symptoms. He discusses treatment options that he can offer, but you are not obligated to set up a consultation. You can call our office and discuss your concerns with Dr.Acri and if you wish to, you can then set up an appointment for further discussion. If the patient wishes, the consultation is followed up with a physical examination.
The physical examination includes checking your reflexes and your range of motion. This is used as an orthopedic and neurological screening to determine your current medical status. The physical exam is then followed by an X-ray, on the same day. Dr. Acri goes over the X-ray in detail with each patient so both can see any problems that need to be corrected right away. Once the problem is diagnosed, Dr. Acri guides your body to do the work needed to adjust. He
assist your body which in turns allows your body to do the work and heal